  Turkish Armed Forces Ship Tcg Anadolu Passed Through the Dardanelles Strait
Turkish Armed Forces Ship Tcg Anadolu Passed Through the Dardanelles Strait The largest warship of the Turkish Armed Forces, TCG Anadolu, of domestic and national production, passed through the Dardanelles Strait. The national ship, which sailed from Izmir to the Aegean Sea and entered the Bosphorus from the direction of Kumkale, continued its course towards Çanakkale. Citizens watched the giant ship on the Çanakkale coast with Turkish flags in their hands. Çanakkale Governor İlhami Aktaş, Bosphorus and Garrison Commander Rear Admiral Mustafa Turhan Ecevit, Çanakkale Deputy Mayor Süleyman Canpolat and protocol members saluted the ship at an event at the Naval Museum Command. Approximately 1.5 hours later, TCG Anadolu reached the 1915 Çanakkale Bridge and proceeded to the exit of the Bosphorus and continued its course towards the Sea of Marmara. The national ship made its passage through the Dardanelles Strait accompanied by the Coast Guard elements.

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