  Free screenings against skin cancer begin across Turkey
Free screenings against skin cancer begin across Turkey Free "me" screenings will be launched in 17 provinces and 41 centers in order to detect skin cancer at an early stage and inform people about it, the incidence of which is increasing in Turkey. Prof. Dr. Bengü Nisa Akay, Lecturer at the Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University, shared information about this type of cancer and the free screening applications to be launched with the Turkish Dermatology Association throughout Turkey. Explaining that "melanoma", which is the most dangerous type of skin cancer, spreads rapidly and causes death if not detected early, Akay said, "Melanoma does not pose any risk when caught early. The only treatment method here is to remove the lesion by expanding it, and then we monitor our patients with some preventive measures and control examinations." Stating that melanoma is especially common in Australia, USA and some European countries where sun exposure is high and light-skinned people live intensively, Akay said, "Skin cancer was not so common in our country in the past. However, with the increase in sun exposure, the incidence of skin cancer has increased in our country in recent years." Those who experience severe sunburn before the age of 18 are at risk Akay, who is also the President of Euromelanoma Turkey, which conducts awareness studies in the international arena for skin cancer, Prof. Dr. Akay pointed out that skin cancer is now seen in younger age groups and continued his words as follows: "The most important issue in skin cancer is early diagnosis and prevention to prevent the stage of spreading to the body. Those with light skin, blond hair, green or blue eyes, skin type prone to freckles, those with freckles on their shoulders and face, especially those who have sunburn to collect water at least once until the age of 18 are in the risk group. In addition, family history, some genetic diseases are also factors that increase the risk." A check warning once a year for those with more than 20 "moles" in their arms Underlining that it is absolutely necessary to monitor whether the moles on the body are also growing, Akay said, "Especially if you have over 50 'moles' in your body and over 20 in your arms, these are risk factors for the development of melanoma cancer. People with these risks should be scanned with computerized dermatoscopy devices at certain periods, at least once a year." Prof. Dr. Akay said that in dermatoscopy scans, people's moles are recorded and even the slightest change in moles can be detected in this way, so that cancer can be caught at a very early stage. "Solarium causes serious risks" Emphasizing that solarium is also a serious risk factor for skin cancer, Akay said, "Solarium causes serious risks in terms of skin cancer. Our advice is not to enter the solarium at all. Even entering the solarium once exponentially increases the risk of melanoma." Akay pointed out that in the USA and Europe, access to the solarium is forbidden to those under the age of 18, underlining that they do not recommend the solarium in all age groups. "Sunscreen should be used, dark clothing should be preferred" Stating that people working in the field are also at risk due to continuous sun exposure, Akay warned: "We should avoid sun exposure as much as possible between the hours of 10.00 and 16.00, when the sun is very intense. If you are going to enter the sea or the pool during these hours, very strict protection methods should be taken. The use of sunscreen is very important, the protectors we use should contain both UVA and UVB, 20-25 minutes before going out, a thick layer should be applied to the skin and thoroughly fed to the skin. Even the effectiveness of the best sunscreen lasts for 3.5-4 hours, so it must be repeated. The use of hats is very important. In terms of clothing, white, light-colored clothes cause the reflection of the sun's rays and increased sun exposure. Dark clothes allow light to be absorbed. For this reason, we recommend that dark clothes are preferred when walking outside under the sun." "It is enough to keep the inner part of the arm in the sun for 10 minutes for vitamin D intake" Prof. Dr. Akay also shared the following information about how the body's vitamin D needs can be taken correctly from the sun: "Vitamin D is synthesized more in the body at certain hours. This is the 10.00-10.30, 14.00-14.30 hour intervals that we warn not to go out into the sun. But when you apply sunscreen to the whole body, not just a small part of our arm, but also hold it in the sun for 10 minutes, you can synthesize vitamin D very well." "Free 'me' screenings will be held in 41 centers" Prof. Dr. Bengü Nisa Akay, emphasizing that skin cancer screenings will be launched throughout the country with the Turkish Dermatology Association, said, "Free 'mole' screenings will be held between May 22-30 in 41 centers in 17 provinces including all regions. In the scans, whole body examinations of the people will be done, no risk

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