  Altruistic workers of the health sector Nurses
Altruistic workers of the health sector Nurses Health workers are at the beginning of their duties even in the most difficult conditions, touching human lives and saving lives with great efforts. The place of nurses among those employees is also very important. On May 12, World Nurses Day, we listened to Tuğçe Ünver, a nurse in charge of an intensive care unit in Istanbul. They put human life above everything else, they selflessly fulfill their duties regardless of the concept of time. Especially during the pandemic period, some of them were away from their families and some of them were away from their loved ones, and they worked with devotion by adding their day and night. Today is May 12, World Nurses Day. "The most important thing is to be able to touch people" Tuğçe Ünver is just one of the millions of nurses who do their job with love. As a soldier of the health army, Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu performs his duty at the City Hospital in Istanbul. He has been working in the intensive care unit for seven years. Tuğçe Ünver, who says that she has always had an interest in the health sector since her childhood, is the most important factor in choosing the nursing profession to touch people... According to him, there are two main factors in doing this profession: empathy and dedication.

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