  Drunk driver caught after four kilometer chase in Diyarbakir
Drunk driver caught after four kilometer chase in Diyarbakir In the Kayapınar district of Diyarbakır, the drunk driver did not obey the 'stop' warning. In the Kayapınar district of Diyarbakır, the drunk driver did not obey the 'stop' warning. The suspect was caught in a four-kilometer chase. According to the information received, the car with the license plate 06 AK 0301 under the direction of B.K. started to flee at the intersection of Dorşin and Nazım Hikmet Street in Kayapınar district by not obeying the 'stop' warning of the police teams. Police teams had a four-kilometer chase with the suspect. The person is located at Mahabat Avenue 75. He was caught on the street with his vehicle's tire blown out. While the teams were searching the car, the driver, B.K., was too drunk to stop and was taken to the hospital and then to the police station for processing. It was determined that B.K. had hit other vehicles while fleeing. -DIYARBAKIR

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