  The moving passenger bus turned into a ball of flames in the fire
The moving passenger bus turned into a ball of flames in the fire A passenger bus traveling on the Kinederiç ramp of the Elazığ Diyarbakır highway caught fire. A possible disaster was averted by the timely evacuation of passengers. While a passenger bus traveling in Elazığ turned into a ball of flames in the fire, the timely evacuation of the passengers prevented the possible disaster. The fire occurred on the Kinederiç ramp of the Elazığ Diyarbakır highway. According to the information obtained, the passenger bus with the license plate 21 BL 105, which was traveling from Diyarbakır to Artvin Hopa, caught fire for an unknown reason. While the passengers were being evacuated, the situation was reported to the Elazığ Municipality Fire Department. Fire crews soon arrived on the scene and extinguished the bus, which turned into a ball of flames. The bus became unusable in the fire. Police and gendarmerie teams have launched an investigation into the fire. -ELAZIG

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