  The insane husband spread terror 1 dead 3 wounded
The insane husband spread terror 1 dead 3 wounded ADANA - The person who brought insanity in Adana killed his wife who was in the process of divorce, while injuring his aunt and 2 brothers-in-law. The words of the woman who was shot by her husband with a pistol and said to her relative, "My children are entrusted to you" broke the hearts. The incident took place in Yavuz Sultan Selim Neighborhood of Sarıçam district. According to the information received, U.C. went to his divorced wife Burcu Cöddü, who was at her father's house. An argument broke out between the two. Burcu Cöddü's brothers, Süleyman Ş. and Harun Ş., intervened in the discussion. In the meantime, U.C. shot his wife Burcu Cöddü in the chest, his aunt Müzeyyen Ç. in the chest, his brother-in-law Süleyman Ş. in the leg and arm, and Harun Ş. in the abdomen with the pistol he had with him. A large number of medical and police teams were dispatched to the area upon notice. The last words of the woman who was shot by her husband broke hearts Burcu Cöddü, who was seriously injured, told a relative while lying on the ground covered in blood, "My children are entrusted to you," while the relative said, "I will take care of your children, I am okay." Medical teams took the wounded to various hospitals in the city. Burcu Cöddü could not be saved despite the interventions in the hospital. Burcu Cöddü's body was taken to the Adana Forensic Medicine Institute morgue for an autopsy. Police arrested the suspect, U.C., along with the unlicensed gun he was using.

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