He shot his mother and grandmother dead and seriously injured his father
He shot his mother and grandmother dead and seriously injured his fatherA young man who was reported to be receiving psychological treatment in Adana shot his mother and grandmother dead and seriously injured his father. S.A. (26), who was reported to be receiving schizophrenia treatment in the Mehmet Akif Ersoy Neighborhood of the central Sarıçam district, shot his mother Mintaha Aydın (61), father İlyas Aydın (63) and grandmother Ülfet Köse (80) with a gun while they were sleeping at home.
112 Emergency Health and police teams were dispatched to the scene after S.A. reported the incident. Health teams determined that mother Mintaha Aydın and grandmother Ülfet Köse had lost their lives.
The injured İlyas Aydın was taken to Adana City Education and Research Hospital by health teams. It was learned that İlyas Aydın's health condition is still serious. The suspect S.A. was taken into custody by police teams.
After the crime scene investigation teams completed their work, the bodies were taken to the Adana Forensic Medicine Institute morgue.

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